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Becker Pipes- Estate Paolo Freehand- 4 Diamonds

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Becker 1


All of the Becker Pipes in our collection came from the estate of one individual. Some of them are even unsmoked! In fact, some of them were taken care of so well we were not entirely sure as to whether or not they have ever been smoked. Finding Becker Pipes in general is a challenge, let alone finding ones that look like these!

This smooth freehand is a gorgeous example, don't miss out on this rare opportunity to add a Becker Pipe of such quality to your collection!

It has 4 diamonds on the bottom of the pipe, making it one of the highest grade Becker Pipes we have! There is minimal charring on the top of the bowl, very gently used and well taken care of.






Bowl Width: 0.775 Inches

Bowl Depth: 1.47 Inches

Pipe Height: 1.787 Inches

Pipe Length: 5.2 Inches

Weight: 1.62 Ounces